Soft and Sweet

It's like Medusa lives in my baking cupboard.
Brown sugar goes in and a solid lump comes out.
No more! I've finally figured out the perfect way to keep even the darkest brown sugar from turning into a doorstop.
So, we've all tried the zip bag, the "air tight" container, the freezer, putting a chunk of apple in with it, microwaving it, one of those weird round things you soak in water first...
None of them work.
I've been baking without brown sugar for years because I was tired of buying a bag, using a cup, and then chucking a solid block of sugar and buying a new bag a month later.
But last month, I wanted to make pudding cake and I wasn't willing to risk the recipe with the wrong kind of sugar so I caved and bought a bag.
And then stood in the kitchen staring at the open bag wondering how long it would be before I had to throw it out. I admit, I came close to tossing it right then and there. But I'm stubborn. I went to the bags-and-wraps drawer to get a zip bag, and saw the foil.
Well, it worked for guacamole...
What the hell. It's worth a shot.
So, I just twisted the top of the bag and creatively folded the foil until the whole thing was covered.
Kinda shaped like a football, which is handy when you're so short that the best way to get stuff onto the top shelf of the cupboard is to chuck it.
5'1" and I have a wicked free throw.
Two weeks later I made brown sugar cookies with it.
Today, I made muffins with it. (Lost track of time and burned them... now you know why you're getting just the tip)
And I'm pretty sure that in two weeks when I get back from Recipe Guy's place, I'll be making muffins.
Someone else really needs to try this so I know it wasn't some kind of weird fluke...