Strawberry Mockaritas

No, that isn’t the Boston accent wearing off on me. I’m calling these mock-aritas because I didn’t put any alcohol in them. You’re welcome, of course, to add any kind of booze you like. I just don’t partake of the spirits. That being said, I’m in Virginia looking for a house right now (that’s right, it looks like we’re headed for May-hem!!! again this year) so I’m going to keep this post short and sweet.
Here’s what you’ll need:
2 cups chopped strawberries
¼ cup lime juice (probably 2 limes)
½ cup simple syrup
(½ cup sugar + ⅓ cup water)
1 cup ice
To make the simple syrup, combine ½ cup sugar and ⅓ cup water. Stir them over medium heat until the sugar is completely dissolved and the mixture comes to a full boil.
Turn off the heat, and with a vegetable peeler, cut a strip of peel from one of your limes.
Then drop it into the hot syrup.
Allow that to cool, and then refrigerate it so that it’s nice and cold. When you’re ready to make the drinks, hull your strawberries. Chopping really isn’t necessary, but I wanted to get a measurement, and you can’t do that if they’re whole. It was about a half pound of strawberries.
Throw the strawberries into the blender along with the lime juice, simple syrup, and ice.
And let ‘er rip!
Now for the rim. Run a lime wedge around the top of the glass. (Yes, this is a cheap plastic one. It’s all I could find on short notice so I had to make due)
I know most restaurants serve strawberry margaritas with sugar on the rim, but trust me, salt is WAY better. If you haven’t tried it, you must, and if you still insist on using sugar, you can follow the same steps. Just don’t tell me about it. So, make yourself a nice ring of salt on a plate then turn the glass over and place the rim into the salt.
See? Perfect rim job.
Pour the strawberry mixture into the glass.
Garnish with a slice of lime, and enjoy. Sweet, salty, fruity, tangy, these strawberry mockaritas are seriously fabulous.
So, what’s your favorite drink?