Ham and Beans

Last week I told you I’d show you a fabulous way to use your leftover ham from the holiday weekend. My favorite way to make use of it is ham and beans. Heck, I’ve even been known to make a ham with the driving motivation being the subsequent pot o’ beans. Although, I’ve also been known to make a roast just for the ‘leftovers’ French dip, so it’s possible my judgment is a little faulty. Regardless, these beans are to die for. In fact, my house smelled so good while making them that Otto was sure to keep his nose unobstructed so he wouldn’t miss one whiff.
Here’s what you’ll need:
Ham stock
Ham bone
Salt & Pepper
I know there are no measurements listed there. This is one thing where measurements just don’t really apply, but don’t be scared, I’ll show you how it’s done. The first thing you need to do is sort through your beans and make sure there aren’t any pebbles or anything in there.
You can use any kind of bean you like. I decided to go with this lovely 13 bean mix, my thought being, ‘Look at all those pretty colors. That will make a beautiful soup!’.
After checking them over, rinse them and cover them with plenty of water, then leave them overnight.
The next day, drain and rinse them.
Then put them into a pan and cover with about 1 inch of water. Bring them to a boil, stirring occasionally. After about an hour, I was starting to question my logic in choosing colorful beans. The whole pot had just turned a kind of grayish brown color.
When they’ve simmered for about an hour, they should be mostly tender. This is a good time to add your ham bone. If you haven’t recently made a ham, you could use a couple of ham hocks instead.
Simmer for another hour, stirring occasionally to make sure the beans don’t start to stick to the bottom of the pan. Add the celery, onion, and garlic to the mix and continue stirring and simmering. If it gets too thick at any point, go ahead and add more water.
After another hour, it should be getting thick, and the beans should be starting to fall apart.
Time for the secret ingredient that makes these absolutely amazing. Ham stock.
What is ham stock? It’s the liquid that cooks off of your ham. In my case, that usually also includes pineapple juice, brown sugar, and spices. Anytime you make a ham, always save the liquid and bone. If you’re not going to use them right away, freeze them. So, once the ham stock is in, dice up some ham.
Stir it into the pot and cook it for about 20 minutes. At this point, the beans should be thick, creamy, and delicious. Check for seasoning, adding salt and pepper if necessary.
So much for my theory of colorful beans being pretty.
The whole pot ended up brown, but oh well. After smelling these all day, color hardly matters. I still like the bean mix anyway. It brings different sizes and textures to the mix, and the lentils and split peas totally break down and help thicken it.
I don’t really have any serving suggestions… perhaps pair it with bread? Personally, just give me a bowlful and a spoon, and I’m happy.
What food do you make just for the leftovers?

Reader Comments (3)
Looks yummy. Now where to find a ham in Abu Dhabi.
You know, I was craving beans the other day. Now I'm craving ham and beans. You're not helping with by food obsessions!
We make ours with black-eyed peas! (Guess what's on my stove right now?!) LOL