I Want My Cheesy Poofs!!

Obviously that was probably not the picture that popped into your mind when you read the words cheesy poofs. Well, I have something so much better than those bright orange, artificially flavored, crunchy cheese snacks. My cheesy poofs are little, two bite hors d’oeuvres. Their texture is somewhere between a muffin and a biscuit and they’re loaded with smoked sausage, green onion, and tons of cheddar cheese. Seriously, look up at that picture again. Haven’t seen many things more drool worthy than that, have you? And best of all, they’re simple to make!
Here’s what you’ll need:
1 ¼ cup flour
1 cup light cream
1 egg
1 teaspoon baking powder
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon coarse pepper
¼ teaspoon garlic powder
1 ½ cups grated cheese
½ cup green onion
1 cup diced smoked sausage
I used 10 of the little Beeler’s smoked sausages. If you can’t find that brand, I’m sure you can use one of the others. Take each little sausage and cut it into quarters lengthwise.
Then cut those strips into little pieces.
Throw them into a pan over medium heat and cook them just long enough to cook off a little of their liquid and brown them slightly. Then just set them aside to cool while you work on the other stuff. Go ahead and grate your cheese, I used a combo of extra sharp and medium cheddar, and chop your green onions. I think I used 7 or 8.
If you grind your own black pepper, turn it just about as coarse as it will go, and crack about ½ teaspoon.
Throw all your dry ingredients into a mixing bowl and whisk them together.
In a separate container, whisk together the cream and egg.
Add the cheese, onion, and cooled sausage to the flour mixture.
Stir until everything is evenly distributed and coated, then pour over the cream.
Stir just until the liquid is incorporated. It’ll be a fairly thick mixture, more like a dough than a batter.
Spoon the mixture into a mini muffin tin. My pan is coated with silicone so things won’t stick, but if you’re pan isn’t, you might want to spray it or butter it.
Fill each up to the top, pressing the mixture down to level it out and fill the corner of the cup.
Place the pan into the freezer for 30 minutes. This step helps to chill the fat and relax the gluten, which in turn makes them tender and well… poofy! After 15 minutes, preheat your oven to 375°. When the 30 minutes are up, pull the pan out of the freezer and pop it into the oven for 22 – 27 minutes. During that time, glorious things are going to happen.
They should be just starting to brown on top, and will probably have brown cheese extracurriculars (as I like to call them) around the edges. Don’t worry about those… they are crispy and delicious.
Remove them from the pan and allow them to cool for just a few minutes before devouring. Pile them onto a plate for your guests… or yourself.
Ok, I might not recommend eating that many in one sitting, but you might not be able to stop yourself. I mean, just look at that sausagey, oniony, cheesy goodness.
If can pretty much guarantee you’ll be singing this song after your first bite.

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