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    Entries in kitchen tools (3)


    Someone Please Whisk Me Away!

    **Winner announced below!!**

    I seriously need a vacation from life for a bit.  I'm sure you know how that feels.  I've been sick for a month, have back spasms that are definitely going to do me in soon, and now, to top it all off, my computer has a virus.  This really isn't an invitation to a pity party, I'm just letting you know why a real post just isn't going to happen this week.  I'm using Hubby's computer until mine is fixed, and although it is technically better than mine, I really hate it. 

    So instead, I'm giving away this fabulous little whisk! 

    This is my favorite brand of whisks.  I just love them.  This little one is an 8 inch whisk.  It is the perfect size for whipping up a couple eggs or for mixing something together in a measuring cup.  It's ideal for any small mixing project, really. 

    All you need to do for this little guy to be yours is comment below to let me know you're in!  If you have a favorite Authors Kitchen recipe or even a request, feel free to share, but you're welcome to just say hello. 

    *Unfortunately, because this has to be shipped, you need to have a mailing address within the U.S to win. 

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